What is Required to Bloom a Narcissus Flower?
In the myth of Narcissus and Echo we see the fulfillment of a development of consciousness that arced from Gilgamesh to Freud; and within the Narcissus flower, we can find the foreshadowing of a coming arc. From the psyche’s creation of a hero who can stand against the tides of nature, to the modern-day hero: a youth who cannot close his eyes to his own ego in the world.
Researching Ceramics: Lucio Fontana’s “Crucifixion”
The dancing three dimensional brush strokes (of what I realized later was the back of the piece) rise up and splash away from the bronze cow as if waves of glaze were crashing against a cragged sea-side cliff.
Meaning & Individuation: Modern Research through Positive Psychology
Although Jung frequently points to two stages of psychological development with somewhat different goals; his theory of individuation is ultimately aimed at the discovery of meaning. Jungian scholar Steven Herrmann says that “meaning took on absolute significance in his hypothesis of individuation.”
Technology, Cognition and Meaning-Making: A Psychoanalytic Framing of Technology in our Virtual World
How does the psychology of humans interact with the technologies we have developed? Technologies like Artificial Intelligence have risen in prominence in the past years with the promise of ever more scalable ways for humans to meet an increasingly complex world. This paper will review the interaction of these developments with human psychology in the areas of cognition and meaning-making using a psychoanalytic theoretical frame. The human race has evolved over hundreds of thousands of years, and technology must be seen in this evolutionary context. Humans developed incredible cognitive skills as well as relational and meaning-making skills to navigate the world and our place in it. However, with today’s technology, we meet challenges to meaning-making due to our relationship with technology, increased technological scaling, cognitive offloading, and reduced metacognitive skills. While technology offers immense opportunity for efficiency, it may impact humans’ ability to create meaning and thus result in reduced well-being due to the experience of meaninglessness.
Ego Strength and Ego Flexibility
Jung posits that we must learn to discriminate between “intentional and unintentional contents of the mind.” This paper will focus on the work surrounding ego development and differentiation as a part of individuation from a Jungian perspective.
Integration and Reintegration
Over the past three years, a series of images and abstract symbols have taken root in my mind. I have been working on a project to bring them into some sort of sequence.
Yellowing: The Snake
Over the past few weeks I’ve been contemplating the symbol of the snake, the “yellowing” alchemical process and the integration of both “parts” of the personality: masculine and feminine.
The Whale: The Self-Injuring Behaviors We Choose
This semester in my Masters of Psychology program at Columbia, I dove into Adult Psychopathology (as defined by the DSM). My focus was on Charlie, the main character from the 2022 movie, The Whale.
Being Laid Off from Tech in America: Following Hansel and Gretel Out of the Forest
Over the past few years there have been a string of work-related phenomena that have touched the collective cultural minds of America. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work has risen into cultural consciousness and is now an expectation for vast swaths of the workforce.
Heaven and Hell in the inner world.
Trauma interrupts ‘indwelling’ and the descent of [psyche] into the body is compromised.
Trust yourself.
Listen to that voice inside of you. Trust yourself. You often doubt or need affirmation of your own feelings, intentions, longings, ideas or instincts.
I am here for you.
You have been reaching out to others: helping them, doing your duty; but no more…
A personal statement…
"To create beauty in the world and in others…" This was my aspirational personal mission statement as I completed my undergraduate studies in architecture and moved into the working world.
Shallow Waters
...no longer am I swimming in the frigid depths, but I float among thriving coral reefs full of wonder and life.
Archetype of the Turtle/Tortoise
A creature that both embodies a the world and carry’s the world on his back, comprising the totality of the cosmos…