Trust yourself.
[Journal Entry 2020]
“Listen to that voice inside of you. Trust yourself.
“You often doubt or need affirmation of your own feelings, intentions, longings, ideas or instincts.
“It's clear that you have a something in you. Something that is good, joyful, helpful, beautiful, creative.
“Follow that something: even when it leads you to unconventional places or areas nobody else would go.”
I’m on a journey to begin to trust myself. Along the way, I will often fall back to the patterns of my personal history or my defense mechanisms. I’ve created the following decision tree as a way to contemplate what my self, or what my body really needs.
This decision tree helps to center myself in what I need in the moment, and setting up a conscious way of creating this in my life. Instead of being swayed by what I “should do;” I now look to what I want to do.
I’ve created the below outcomes to help center myself in these decisions: